Prayer Needs

Please pray for us

At C-U at Home, we firmly believe in the power of prayer. St. Paul exhorted the church in Thessalonica, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thessalonians 5:16-18). We take that directive seriously. We also know that we are buoyed up by a tightly woven prayer network made up of you, God’s people, and the prayers you send up for us daily. Below are our current prayer requests and reasons for rejoicing.


  • That our transition to a 24-hour shelter model would go smoothly, particularly for our clients, but also for our staff
  • That we can work together well with other agencies in support of our homeless neighbors
  • That we can continue to raise community awareness and support as One Winter Night approaches


  • For the many wonderful volunteers who partner with us to serve our homeless neighbors
  • For the steadfast financial support of donors who have stuck with us over the years
  • For God’s unwavering strength that allows us to keep doing our jobs day after day

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Help us provide resources and stability for individuals experiencing homelessness

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