Men’s Shelter Program

Providing Pathways to Progress

Our Men’s Shelter began year-round operations on October 31, 2019. With the help of community partners and generous supporters, we are soon moving from temporary quarters to a home in Urbana that will serve up to 8 men and be open 24/7 year-round.

Our program includes intensive case management services along with assistance and referrals for clients dealing with mental health and substance abuse issues. We also help people develop basic life skills such as cooking, finance management, and resume writing. Clients living in our shelters are served by trained, compassionate staff who maintain a safe and secure environment. Entry into the shelter program is based upon successful intake.

Offering Hope and Restoration

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). Many of the people we serve have experienced lives that have left them feeling like “the least” of all around them. Our desire is to do whatever we can to restore their sense of value and give them hope for the future.

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