Day Center

Fostering community

The Phoenix Daytime Drop-In Center rose from the ashes of a vacant Neil Street bar of the same name in the summer of 2014. The idea behind the Phoenix was to provide a downtown Champaign space where anyone without a home could drop in to get out of the weather, access resources, or simply enjoy the company of others. The Phoenix moved to its current location at 70 E. Washington Street in the fall of 2018.

The Phoenix is also a place where people who don’t normally cross paths can really get to know each other. Volunteers from the community are welcome to come in to chat, play games, have a cup of coffee, lead a Bible study, etc.

Receiving mail is often a problem for people who don’t have mailing addresses, so our homeless neighbors can use our address for that. We’ve also got a phone, a recharging wall, a computer lab, showers, laundry facilities, games, coffee, snacks, and toiletries for those who need them. In the winter, we have coats, hats, gloves, and scarves—all provided by the community.

The Phoenix also serves as host to health clinics, Bible studies, and many other community-led groups designed to support our clients on their pathways to progress.

A Day Center client playing spades, choosing a card from his hand to play

Phoenix Daytime Drop-In Center

The day center is open M-F 12-5pm. During extreme heat or cold, the hours may be extended. It is located at 70 E. Washington Street in Champaign, and anyone is welcome.

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Help us provide resources and stability for individuals experiencing homelessness